Deep Clean: A Step-By-Step Guide

Keeping up with dishes, laundry, and vacuuming from week to week will help keep your house clean, but once a year, it’s a good idea to scrub those areas that may have been overlooked during routine cleaning. Give your living space extra love by following this room-by-room deep cleaning checklist, which will dazzle your home this spring and beyond.

Deep cleaning is all about attention to detail. When you take the time to clean the harder-to-reach areas of your home, you’ll notice how it makes your space feel more orderly and welcoming. 

How Often Should You Deep Clean?

There are several strategies to incorporate deep cleaning into your home maintenance regimen. If you’ve done spring cleaning before, that’s fantastic! Spring is the ideal time to declutter, clean, and organize, but serious cleaning should be done more frequently than once a year.

You can follow a seasonal program, which entails one weekend deep clean every three months. Another alternative is to divide your deep cleaning checklist into more minor monthly or weekly activities, such as tackling one area each month or 1-2 things per week so that you can work on it over time.

The more individuals that share a living space, the more frequently it should be thoroughly cleaned. If you live with roommates, divide the cleaning tasks—deep cleaning and ongoing maintenance—equally among them. Consider delegating a part of the house (except the beds) to a separate person.

What You’ll Need For Deep Clean

You don’t need expensive specialty cleaners to clean your home deep. Standard cleaning supplies like dish soap, baking soda, white vinegar, a scrub brush, and microfiber cleaning cloths are both effective and readily available. Here’s a starting list to help you fill your cleaning cabinet or caddy:

  • Rubber gloves
  • All-purpose cleaner (homemade)
  • Glass Cleaner
  • Baking soda
  • White Vinegar
  • Dish soap
  • Sponge
  • Scrub Brush
  • Detail brush or old toothbrush?
  • Squeegee
  • Plastic bucket
  • Spray bottle
  • Microfiber cloths
  • Cleaning cloths (similar to dish towels or rags) or paper towels
  • Vacuum and attachments
  • Mop or Steamer
  • Broom or vacuum clean with a tricky floor setting.

Step-By-Step Guide For Deep Cleaning

Here are deep cleaning tips and overall guide for you with every single step:

1. Bathroom

Bathtub, Fixture, And Grout

If soap and water aren’t working on getting your bathtub and fixtures sparkling clean and soap-scum-free, mix baking soda and water and scrub with a brush. Clean in and around your fixtures with a detail brush or an old toothbrush, then finish with a microfiber cloth to make them sparkle.

To clean your shower head, immerse it in vinegar and water overnight. You can accomplish this by either removing it or packing a bag with a detergent and linking it to the shower head.

The same method can be used to clean grout. If baking soda alone does not clean your grout, try spraying it with a one-to-one mixture of white vinegar and water. As the baking soda reacts with the vinegar solution, bubbles will form, which will aid in the removal of the stains. Scrub again, then rinse with warm water.

Shower Curtains

If your shower curtain is made of fabric, follow the directions for washing and drying it. 

Toss and replace your shower curtain liner if it is no longer cleanable.

Tip: Most plastic shower curtains and curtain liners may be washed on the delicate cycle in your washing machine, making cleaning such a large object much more accessible. Remove the metal hangers before washing and allowing them to air dry.

2. Kitchen

Cabinets, Refrigerators, And Furniture

Before you begin, take all food from the freezer and unplug it. Using warm soapy water and a sponge to clean the inside and outside. Dishwashing soap is a degreaser that will help break down any food oil residue accumulated in your kitchen. If you can, move the refrigerator and clean it underneath it.

Clean the cabinet fronts. To clean cabinets and drawers, use a vacuum with the crevice attachment.

Wipe down the legs of kitchen tables and chairs and any other kitchen furniture.

Using a warm soapy water and sponge to clean garbage and recycling bins. 

Tip: Now is an excellent time to update or install drawer and cupboard liners and discard outdated food.

Oven And Stovetop

There are three ways to clean an oven. The first and most straightforward choice is to use the oven’s self-cleaning feature. If your oven has this option, ensure the kitchen is adequately ventilated, remove anything kept in the oven, and start self-cleaning. If your oven does not have that cycle, clean it using baking soda paste, a scrub brush, or specialized cleaning solutions.

To clean a gas stovetop, immerse the metal grates in soapy water and scrub them with a scrub brush before replacing them. 

If you have a gas or electric burner, use the baking soda and water paste to clean it thoroughly.

Dishwasher, Microwave 

Clean the inside of your microwave using a sponge and an all-purpose cleanser. Remove and clean the tray as well. Wipe the outside with a sponge and then finish with a microfiber cloth.

Clean your dishwasher both inside and out. To clean the interior, empty the filter, add 1 cup vinegar, and turn it on to the highest setting. When that cycle finishes, add 1 cup of baking soda and repeat on the hottest cycle. Clean the dishwasher’s exterior with vinegar spray, then finish with a glass cleaner and a microfiber cloth. 

Tip: Clean your dishwasher every month. 

Countertops And Kitchen Sinks

Scrub the counters, backsplash, and sink with warm, soapy water and a scrub brush, paying careful attention to the areas near the faucet.

Sanitize countertops and disinfect sinks (see our comprehensive guide to learn more about the distinctions between sanitizing and disinfecting). Follow the product directions to ensure proper dilution and contact times. 

To clean your sink faucet, follow the methods outlined in the bathroom fixtures section.

If your grout is dingy, follow the instructions in the bathroom grout section above.

Tip: When you juice a lemon, drop the rest into the garbage disposal and run it with hot water to freshen it naturally.

3. Bedroom

According to the instructions, wash linens that are not cleaned as regularly as sheets, such as duvets, dust ruffles, and shams.

If you can move or get behind your bed, clean behind the headboard and underneath it.

Wipe all furniture with a moist microfiber towel. 

Tip: Flip your mattress twice every six months.

Tip: To freshen your mattress, sprinkle it with baking soda, leave it for an hour, and then vacuum. In the Floors section below, you can spot-clean your mattress in the same way you would a carpet stain.

Tip: Wash your cushions and comforter once a year. If your washing machine is not big enough, take it to a laundromat or a professional cleaner.

4. Living Rooms Or Communal Areas

Vacuum the upholstery. Lift all cushions and vacuum below. Spot clean as needed using the lifting procedure described in the Floors section below.

Wipe all furniture with a moist microfiber cloth. 


To thoroughly clean a closet, pull everything out, reorganize, and declutter.

While everything is out, vacuum and clean the shelves, baseboards, and walls. When you put clothes back in, there should be enough space to move freely and not be packed too tightly.

Laundry Room

Wipe off all surfaces and the outside of the washer and dryer.

The method for cleaning your washing machine varies depending on whether it is top or side-loading, but the premise remains the same. Spray vinegar inside your washing machine. Wipe clean, paying close care to the rubber gasket on the machine door.

Put 2 cups of vinegar into the drum and set to the hottest setting. Then, put half a cup of baking soda directly into the drum and rerun it on the highest setting. Once finished, wipe dry and leave the door open to allow it to completely dry.

Throughout Your Home

1. Walls and Baseboards

Wiping down the walls and baseboards is an essential step in every space. Wipe with a moist cloth, and clean difficult places with the non-abrasive side of a sponge.

2. Lighting Fixtures And Ceiling Fans

Light fixtures can quickly acquire dust, but they are simple to clean once you reach them. Cleaning windows can significantly increase the quality of light in a space. First, turn off the light, then clean it with a vacuum adapter or a damp microfiber cloth.

To clean ceiling fans, place newspaper or a sheet under them to catch any dust. Wipe each blade clean with a moist towel and all-purpose cleaner. 

3. Floors

Regular cleaning should include mopping, vacuuming, and sweeping the floors in your home. For deep cleaning, concentrate on eliminating stains, particularly in heavy traffic areas with tenacious debris, and cleaning grout if your floors are tiled. 

Begin with a simple cleaning of your hardwood or laminate floors.

To remove stains from carpeted floors, soak the area in a one-to-one mixture of water and white vinegar with a few drops of dishwashing soap. Blot with a towel, lifting the stain rather than pushing it back in. If you apply a carpet cleaning product, carefully test it on an inconspicuous part to make sure it does not discolor or damage the carpet.

Consider renting a machine that uses steam to clean your carpet thoroughly.

Use a paste of white vinegar and baking soda to remove stubborn filth and grime while also cleaning and brightening your grout. Let the mixture sit for 15 minutes, then scrub with a stiff-bristled scrubbing brush.

Tip: To steam your carpets yourself, place a towel over the area and iron on the maximum steaming setting. 

Tip: To freshen carpet or rugs, sprinkle baking soda all over, allow to sit for 4 hours or overnight, and then vacuum to remove the baking soda.

4. Windows

Clean windows allow in more natural light! Before applying a glass cleaner:

  1. Take off any dirt and debris from your window panes.
  2. Place a rolled towel on the window sill and scrub the filth with warm, soapy water and a sponge.
  3. Squeeze the windows dry, and the paper towel will catch unclean water.
  4. Take glass cleaner and a microfiber towel to polish.

Avoid saturating your window sills with cleaning agents or water if your window sills are wood. Instead, use a moist microfiber cloth sprayed with a gentle all-purpose or wood cleanser to clean them. 

To clean metal window or door sliding tracks:

  1. Start by vacuuming them with your vacuum cleaner’s crevice attachment.
  2. Spray soapy water or an all-purpose cleaner into the tracks.
  3. Allow to soak a few minutes before wiping up with a cleaning cloth or paper towel.

Tip: To achieve longer-lasting results, use the window-cleaning technique instead of glass cleaner to clean your bathroom mirrors.

Tip: Use a glass cleaner to clean picture frames. To avoid cleaner from leaking into the frame, use an ammonia-free cleaner for glass and spray it onto a microfiber towel rather than the glass itself.

In Conclusion, thoroughly cleaning your home can improve your living conditions by eliminating allergens and increasing general cleanliness. A precise, step-by-step approach ensures that every part of your home is addressed, resulting in a brighter and more pleasant environment. While it may take some initial work, an immaculate home’s benefits are worth it. Regular upkeep following a deep clean will also be accessible, allowing you to maintain a perfect environment easily.

Thank you for reading….

Read More: 10 Best Tips For A Spotless House

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